It's been a while and I missed my blog, I haven't had time to write new content the way I wish I could because I've been working on something really exciting and full of vvibes.

As none of you know, I am obsessed with zine-making as a way to communicate and I've been working on my longest zine to this day non-stop since around the end of February.

I am currently having a sick day because I am a little sick, not COVID, but I still didn't go to work. 

I am here to give a sneak-peak of the zine, it's about my study abroad experience (I went to LCF) and it will be called THIS IS THE CITY WHERE I DIED, in reference to the book "IF IT'S PURPLE SOMEONE'S GONNA DIE" by Patti Bellantoni:

"I usually say poor families are rarely allowed to have memories. Not immaterial memories as in stories but memorabilia you know, being poor eats things away, they get worn down, they break and can’t be repaired, they are sold and lost moving from one place to another. "

"I was walking on high heels, flirting with teachers, being mean to boys who were mean to me in middle school and I was confused, I felt bad, like downright wicked, and I was starting to get bitter. Because I tried so hard to be as good as I used to, I held myself to such high standards and I could not understand why it didn’t work anymore."

"To me, that's when I finally grew up. I used to think becoming an adult was about becoming cynical and accepting a joyless life like I was ready to do in 2017; when in reality I became an adult when I let the things that made me who I am back in my life, when I accepted the things I loved as a child, unapologetically, saw my reflection in them and thanked them for being a part of me.

For some reason, blogger won't let me post images so I'm gonna edit this later.


I have some posts being drafted about my newest obsessions! Shadow and Bone has been CONSUMING my life and also Olivia Rodrigo's album, like damn, kid debuted with a no skip album for real.

See you people soon!


It's around 11pm right now and it just occurred to me that this blog is completed 1 year THIS MONTH!!!!!!! I know I said this was going ...