It's around 11pm right now and it just occurred to me that this blog is completed 1 year THIS MONTH!!!!!!!

I know I said this was going to be a 1 year project, but since I got two jobs and no time throughout this year, I think it wouldn't be fair to just leave it at that, WHICH MEANS I WILL BE HERE FOR ANOTHER YEAR and hopefully 2022 will be an year full of delightful posts, both to read and to write.

I haven't been active here but you can catch me on the Foresight Forum if you want to read about the latest trends. I've been an intern there since July and I absolutely love it. I really love researching trends, it makes me really, really happy, I hope someday I get a paid job doing it, it's the only thing I see myself working with.

Oh and I will probably be getting a boob job by the end of the year so there is that! I hope I'll be able to bring in some stuff in november, but until then:
Take care, if you're reading this, I love you, thank you for popping by! VVIBING's second year is gonna be great!


I called it last year when I vvibe checked Imploding the Mirage, they have found their voice and now The Killers are back with a beautiful album.

It really surprised me when they announced another album so soon, especially after the 3 years between Wonderful Wonderful and Imploding the Mirage. I can’t say I was expecting it but it was silly not to, having found their voice, why wouldn’t they use it.

Although different from the previous albums, it doesn't feel experimental, it’s confident and graceful. It doesn’t waver like Lover by Taylor Swift or Father of all… by Green day, it plants its feet on the ground and tells a story.

Pressure Machine reminds me a lot of Sam’s Town, to me it’s their second album but earthy, mature and artistic. It’s not as personal but the recurring themes are still there; The difficult relationships, the small town blues, the wanderlust. 

This album has very little divine in it, there’s almost no sky, it feels grounded in many ways. The story that is told itself is one of people tied to a small town, to their “birthright”, people who would have been different in another place, in another life. People who wanted more.

It didn't make me cross my heart like Flesh and Bone or Neon Tiger, but it got me dancing at 8 am, it got me laughing just because the way it sounds makes me feel all this energy. My favourite songs were In The Car Outside and In Another Life, for some reason they are like tasting something that makes you wonder how you lived without it until now, they just taste like the first jagerbomb I ever had that good in the mouth, the kind of song that every line, every progression, hits you like it wasn’t what you expected but it’s so, so much better.

I feel like it's a fever dream album, it’s conceptual, there are characters that I haven't understood just yet because I only listened to it like 3 times. Much like folklore and evermore by Taylor Swift, the personal elements are weaved through the lyrics in a way that’s almost imperceptible, something that is very new to this band. Brandon has always written lyrics that are closely tied with his own experiences and views on love, religion, everything really, so it’s amazing to see this kind of distance because it feels new to us but it’s probably also new to him and the rest of the band. 

In my last post about them I said Imploding the Mirage, an album that I am dying to listen to live,“was like hearing someone who finally got to the place they were supposed to be, like breathing deeply after holding your breath for a little too long.” and this is what happens after. Pressure Machine feels like having fun in this immaterial place, like vvibing just because they can, so there are violins and harmonicas, songs that feel like theirs but another side of them, a side we haven’t seen until now but it’s amazing and exciting and I hope to see more. 


 So I’ve been reading Shadow and Bone after watching the netflix show and I’ve read that the Darkling is based on the author's own story of abuse and I respect that, but she wrote him in a way that I can’t help but sympathize with him. The entire first half of the first book of the series writes him as someone who’s not really that bad, I mean, apart from murder and treason, that isn’t really shown until the second half, he’s just a powerful troubled man, who’s quickly falling for this promising young woman, and doesn’t know what to do with his hands. From what we gather when we first meet him in the book, he wants to give Alina everything and more, he wants her beside him, powerful, brilliant. 

What is not to like? Am I supposed to delete that from my brain after 3 pages of Darkling slander? I mean sure this is a murder machine we are talking about but hey, the author ended up writing a lovable murder machine and there isn’t much I can do about it. This man wants to see Alina in her glory, he wants her to shine, to be a saint, to learn how to use her powers and be healthy (the whole grisha thing about having to use their powers to keep their good health), above everything he gives her security, comfort, support and a good environment to grow in the little palace, well until she runs away, betrays his trust, tries to murder him and gets back with that annoying little bitch aka Mal.

Like I am not saying he is a good person and that he did all of these things out of having a good heart and a caring disposition. He did plan to use her power, but he wasn’t exactly an asshole about it from the beginning. I honestly think, in the way the story is told it just seems like he wanted to give her all of that and have her by his side willingly, the entire romantic subplot is a separate thing, it’s a coincidence that happened out of this man’s 500 years of waiting and finally she is there, and she glows and she laughs and smiles and he is smitten, but it was his plan to have her willingly by his side all along. If the author tries to paint him as a mastermind, a brilliant manipulator, she failed hard because he’s either very bad at it or his intentions were too hidden from the reader, like, even a scene that felt suspicious, like Alina listening to something she shouldn’t have, out of context but still weird enough to have her alarmed could have helped set him in this role better than the sequence passionate, sincere, heated kiss, argument with Mal, Bahgra and running away.

I am not saying he wasn’t gaslighting her when he pulled the whole “did you think about how I felt?” card but 1) he may be onto something because back in the little palace it was Bahgra’s word against his; 2) this man is doing his best to protect the country and his people, even if his personal best is bad, like he is ruthless but he does have a point, even if the way he is trying to make his statement is fucked up. When Alina goes back to Mal, she becomes that sick, weak girl again and she has to worry about him and what he thinks of her every step of the way. She constantly has to make herself smaller to fit his life and it just doesn’t sit right with me.

If Mal had been accepting of her powers than I could have given him a chance, but he just acts like Alina is supposed to be the sickly orphan he always knew, instead of letting her be the powerful, beautiful, ambitious woman she was not only born to be, she starts showing signs of wanting to be in Siege and Storm when she’s negotiating the terms of her return to Os Alta with Nikolai. I’m still in the middle of the second book so there’s still a lot to uncover.

And I don’t want to be all Darkling about it, but Alina wasn’t born to be a good wife to a soldier and live a simple life on a farm and raise Mal’s kids. If she wasn’t fit to do it before she had powers, why the fuck would she be fit to do it after becoming one of the most powerful people in Ravka? Like, to me, Mal just wants to bring her down, back where he had her before, a girl with a crush on her best friend, because it made him important and it made her invisible. It’s selfish and cruel. I don’t agree with Aleksander in everything, I mean, he is a murderer after all, but I can’t help but think Alina would be better off with him, someone who not only matches her power but wants to see her thrive, he wants her to see him and still love him, he wants to corrupt her and it still sounds better than whatever the fuck she and Mal are doing up until this point, because as Aleks and Nikolai have pointed out, this girl has the power to save the country and she was running away; at this point, say what you will, but her hands are just as bloody as anyone else’s, even if she didn’t want the power, even if she didn’t want to be a symbol of hope.

Personally, I have reached a point in my head that is more “let Alina be corrupted for all I care, if it means she is loved, if it means she is adored” and less “let’s see Aleksander’s redemption arc”, because let’s face it, none of his actions put her in a bad light, he always framed himself as the villain, she was always supposed to be the one people loved. I’ve seen spoilers, I know how it will go but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about it because at this point in my life, I am a good person and I will continue being a good person, but it’s what I would’ve wanted for me. I don’t want to reform anyone, I want to be adored and loved and I want to give it all back, I don’t want the trouble of making a man better if he already loves me, or even the trouble of having to cut out parts of myself to fit somebody else’s idea of me. I want both me and Alina to have the damn cake and eat it too.

I identify with her a little too much, but as someone who had a relationship with someone older who showed her affection no other boy has ever come close to compare, I would rather have it from the deranged old dude, and feel worshipped, loved, secure, knowing it’s us against the world, than to have a third of it from the boy I left in my past back when I didn’t know what love was supposed to look like and thought if he was willing to be with me, even if he never bothered to make me feel secure, it should be enough, I should be grateful.

In conclusion, I think Mal is toxic and Alina doesn’t deserve this kind of “love”, the Darkling wasn’t right but he did have a point and people who can’t recognize it are in a state of denial, and that’s not any of my business. Nikolai is nice but he has too much gemini energy and it annoys me sometimes because I am a gemini myself.


 Hi! So I have other news, I have not died and I have a huge HUGE post on Shadow and Bone (both book and Netflix show) coming later this week if god allows me to make the visuals kdfkjsklfsdlk 

But I have NEWS, on top of my >full time job< I got an INTERNSHIP!!!!! I'll be part of a trend forecasting internship program and I am BEYOND excited! 

I have so much content I haven't finished to post here and don't expect me to abandon this blog because it's literally what brings me peace of mind, you know sharing my thoughts and stuff, I am a gemini sun and mars I HAVE TO GET THESE WORDS OUT OR ELSE I'LL DIE.

Anyway, really happy to share this news with you guys! PROMISE PROMISE I'LL FINISH THE STUFF I HAVE TO POST HERE.

If you're reading this I LOVE YOU, thank you for checking out my blog :)


I started out on the wrong foot already, I listened to SOUR at work. I held on tight for most of the album but hope ur ok broke me.

Her debut album is definitely a no-skip and God, Olivia is doing her shadow work. Listening to this album felt healing in a weird way, like my inner child being seen, maybe it’s because she is half asian; But she really dived deep in her own feelings and had the courage to sing about all of them, even the “ugly” unpopular ones no one likes to admit they have, and I think that as much as it made me cry and it hurt a little bit, it was like hurting with her and running my hands through my inner child’s hair, like “hey, look, this young girl is also going through it, see how much she is loved even if she’s singing about the things you don’t say out loud? Maybe you’re not as bad as you think you are”.

I don't relate to Olivia Rodrigo exactly, I mean, I don't even know how to drive, but there are snippets of her lyrics that are like being stabbed, just the way she says it, it's just like the rhythm thoughts come when you are breaking down and I relate to that.

The way it starts slow, and then it builds up and gets agitated, the feeling gains confidence, it starts being mean, and then it screams in sadness and rage, it has bitterness in its voice, and then it gets quiet, it's just sad, like acceptance.

Miss girl really managed to make an album that, although I can't relate on a subject level, I can relate in a cadence of thoughts level, it's like girly bottled up every breakdown I've had through my teens and almost 20s in this album.

She managed to sing in detail the feeling of when its cloudy and late in the afternoon and the cold wind hits you when you are walking somewhere and the sadness of grief slowly builds up on the way, and your thoughts start racing until it makes you want to scream and then it's quiet, a tiny voice, childish, barely a whisper, that says "I miss you".

I may be projecting hard here but a mixed kid raised by a white mom gave us SOUR. This kind of rage, loneliness, and jealousy, brutal self-awareness, is something I’ve never seen someone who is not “different” show. Like not that other people don’t show “ugly” feelings like this but I have never felt more seen in music, I swear to god, those were my adolescence struggles and also I have carried some of them into adulthood.

I mean she never says anything like that in the songs with all the words and like I said, maybe I am projecting, but I feel like even if you have friends and feel loved, being bi-racial makes you crave belonging in a way that is rarely talked about. So when you finally do and you feel like it’s you and them against the world, and the person ends up breaking your heart, I feel like maybe it cuts a little deeper. And it takes a little longer to heal. But when you drop the act, all the things you do to get closer to belonging, you find your own select group of castaways.

As much as it hurts and grieving relationships is hard, things get better, I swear. One day that whispery voice becomes a casual visitor in your head, you welcome it like an old, old friend, let it linger for a bit, you ask it how it’s been and if it needs something. Sometimes it needs a scent, sometimes a song, sometimes it’s just there to congratulate you on how far you’ve come; and then you say your farewells and hope it doesn’t come back soon. One day you look around and there's nowhere else you want to be, you finally belong with yourself and to yourself.


 It's been a while and I missed my blog, I haven't had time to write new content the way I wish I could because I've been working on something really exciting and full of vvibes.

As none of you know, I am obsessed with zine-making as a way to communicate and I've been working on my longest zine to this day non-stop since around the end of February.

I am currently having a sick day because I am a little sick, not COVID, but I still didn't go to work. 

I am here to give a sneak-peak of the zine, it's about my study abroad experience (I went to LCF) and it will be called THIS IS THE CITY WHERE I DIED, in reference to the book "IF IT'S PURPLE SOMEONE'S GONNA DIE" by Patti Bellantoni:

"I usually say poor families are rarely allowed to have memories. Not immaterial memories as in stories but memorabilia you know, being poor eats things away, they get worn down, they break and can’t be repaired, they are sold and lost moving from one place to another. "

"I was walking on high heels, flirting with teachers, being mean to boys who were mean to me in middle school and I was confused, I felt bad, like downright wicked, and I was starting to get bitter. Because I tried so hard to be as good as I used to, I held myself to such high standards and I could not understand why it didn’t work anymore."

"To me, that's when I finally grew up. I used to think becoming an adult was about becoming cynical and accepting a joyless life like I was ready to do in 2017; when in reality I became an adult when I let the things that made me who I am back in my life, when I accepted the things I loved as a child, unapologetically, saw my reflection in them and thanked them for being a part of me.

For some reason, blogger won't let me post images so I'm gonna edit this later.


I have some posts being drafted about my newest obsessions! Shadow and Bone has been CONSUMING my life and also Olivia Rodrigo's album, like damn, kid debuted with a no skip album for real.

See you people soon!


So Taylor Swift won another Grammy. GOOD FOR HER OH MY GOD SHE DESERVED IT.

Men, cis, and straight mostly, hate Taylor Swift, we all know that. They will go out of their way to tell you how her music is bad, how she only sings about breakups, how she’s lame, without ever stopping to listen to one of her songs.

Well, I personally think they are afraid of her. I think men, guys, boys, are afraid of the young pretty girl who calls them out on their bullshit, who sang “Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame // Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away” at 20 years old. They are afraid because Taylor profits off their lies and lives her best life. Girls, gays and theys who listen to Taylor Swift are not afraid to be soft but are not to be messed with, at least not since Blank Space was released. So men act like her songs are boring and childish.

But they don’t get it. They can’t even begin to fathom that maybe the reason why we love Taylor Swift so much, and scream-sing her lyrics like they are sacred texts, is because she writes about a thing that’s fundamentally human, relationships. Mostly heartbreaking ones.

And it doesn't matter who breaks your heart, it doesn’t matter if it's a boy from college, or high school, or Jake Gyllenhaal; heartbreak is heartbreak, and an universal feeling that unites people all over the world singing All Too Well crying at 3 am.

She started her career with cute songs about love then grew up to be one of the most successful women in the music industry and GOOD FOR HER. She is loved by millions of teenage girls around the world because she sings about men breaking her heart, and not something considered cool and edgy. She sings about highs and lows, and sometimes things we feel, ugly things, that we can’t even admit to ourselves. 

(click the pic for source)

And Taylor Swift puts all those feelings, the emptiness, hopelessness, heartache, envy, jealousy, anger into lyrics, and that’s very brave of her. She helps us put the feeling into words, so we don’t have to do it alone, and feel seen and heard, comforted; because then we know for sure we are not the first, nor the last to feel like their heart might as well implode and take your body with it so you can stop crying over a stupid guy. Yet, as much as her lyrics are sad, they are hopeful, there are good relationships in the world too, there are better days to come, this sadness is not everlasting, it can’t be. If she is alive and well, you too will heal, you know?

That’s the beauty of her discography. She calls men out the way we wish we had the courage, or the words, or the chance to do; she keeps writing from the heart, even if the media comes after her again and again, and she wins every time because they can break her heart and say some nasty things about her but they can’t stop her. She sings with us through nights of dreaming, of grieving relationships, and promise after promise to never be caught in a situation like this again, still, her songs won’t ever judge if you ever do.

To me sitting with my headphones on, listening to Taylor Swift is comfort. It’s knowing if she got over Harry Styles, you can get over that crusty dehydrated guy; it’s knowing there’s always a new beginning and you’re gonna be ok and find someone who you would marry with paper rings. 


It's around 11pm right now and it just occurred to me that this blog is completed 1 year THIS MONTH!!!!!!! I know I said this was going ...