NOT A VVIBE: Tennis Skirt

Picture of a girl standing up on a bed with white sheets and a green pillow case, wearing a light pink tennis skirt and a beige sweatshirt, a cap with a lobster embroidered on it, sunglasses and has her hair loose and naturally wavy. On the top part of the picture  "I feel like a sugar baby in this skirt and I am very small and I have no money so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under." written in black ink simulating brush.
I don’t really like this skirt anymore, it’s just not a vvibe. I think the internet oversexualized it and sometimes I wonder if there’s still a way to style it and not feel like a sex doll. 

I’ve been seeing a lot of this weird infantilization of adult women lately. I remember when it started, back in the day it was just a kink people talked about on tumblr, but it grew into 25-year-olds wearing things that have Baby Girl written on it, and to me, it’s a little disturbing.

What really bothers me is the idea that dressing childlike doesn’t come from a place of innocence, it comes from a place of sexualization of childlike behaviour and aesthetic. The image we have of sex changed and got more infantilized on the internet for some reason and it is very damaging for actual children or young teens.

I feel like this kind of clothing sends the wrong message to young girls and it also creates this distorted image that there are adult women who are like that. It’s almost an inverse of a study I’m reading, “Impact of Age-Ambiguous and Sexualized Clothing Styles on the Self-Concept of Early Adolescent Females” by Laurabeth Allyn. 

She talks about the impact of girls dressing older and in a sexualized way in early adolescence, and it makes me wonder about the impact of seeing women dressing younger, much, much younger and taking pictures with giant plushies and pig-tails on teens, but that’s a discussion for when I finish reading her study. 

And that’s fucking scary, it’s scary to see 25-year-old women dressing like Lolita, acting like kids by faking a look of innocence and naivety to a male audience and it’s scary to see how the male audience responds to it.

Picture of a girl presumably dancing on a bed, wearing a light pink skirt and a beige NYC souvenir sweatshirt and a cap that has a lobster embroidery, her arms are open, and "hipersexualizing teenagers is not cool" is written around her.

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for dressing sexy, but I like tight jersey dresses and deep necklines, I can’t help but feel like this skirt and this aesthetic is sexy in the wrongest and most vile way because it makes me look younger. It makes every girl look younger.

Let me know what you think about it, it can’t be that this is only problematic for me and another 6 people between Tumblr and Tik Tok, and I seriously would love to talk about it.

vvibing to Flowerball by The Wombats, which I accidentally discovered just this morning, despite loving The Wombats. I like the way love hurts a little bit when Matthew Murphy talks about it. Not saying that in an emo way, it's just that people and relationships are never easy. My therapist asked me how my latest relationship is going and I actually said: "as well as it ca, there are two people involved so I can't really ask for much if I wanted peace I'd be alone."


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