MEDICATED VVIBES and also, I got a job

Hello friends, it is I, Helena, coming to tell you I AM FINALLY MEDICATED, I have been suffering from anxiety since I was 16, actually my whole life but it only started really affecting me at 16, I also have a suspicion I have ADHD and no one noticed because I have always had good grades. AND I AM FINALLY ON MEDICATION, today is my first day taking it but I just hope I can write better content for you people! Content that has a beginning a middle and an end!!! What a dream!!!!

I also want to announce that I got a job! It does mean that I will have less time to write but let's hope with the medication I can still get both done! And this is supposed to be, at least, a one-year project, so don't worry, I will be here at least until October 2021. 

I just wanted to share the good news so you have a little more info on what is going on in my life and also thank the enormous (in my view) traffic there's been on the blog, I never even dared to imagine so many people would see the stuff that I write, so thank you so much for reading the thoughts of a very confused goblin.

I think that's it for today, love you bebehs!

1 comment:


It's around 11pm right now and it just occurred to me that this blog is completed 1 year THIS MONTH!!!!!!! I know I said this was going ...